Pennine Lancashire Nelson

Robinson Landscape Design, in collaboration with Kapok, Berlin and Reid Jubb Brown Architects, Newcastle have won the Pennine Lancashire Squared competition for Nelson. See the News Page for the judges’ reactions.

Our first entry was to submit the following boards for public exhibition.

Our entry, “Tuning Nelson”, has a vision of greening Nelson and realising the potential of existing buildings and spaces, impressed the judging panel in the international design contest.

Proposals include introducing grassed areas, trees, seating and roof gardens in the town centre, lighting and linking existing landmarks, extending canopies and using public art to promote urban renewal.

In Nelson proposals centred on the Place de Creil – the space between the Pendle Rise Shopping Centre and the former Woolworths building, through the town to the new ACE building. We aim to boost use of the town centre and its public spaces stressing an ambition to develop a bold pride in what Nelson is, what Nelson has and what Nelson can do with minimal alterations to elicit maximum effects by revitalising under-used urban assets.”

There is no intention of imposing “pointless art objects or landscape patterns” on local streets. Nelson’s assets include the town’s location in the Pennines and at the heart of east-west communication links, its many fine buildings and its wonderful views of surrounding landscape. We’re looking to use art, landscape and urban design and architecture in practical steps to improve how the town works – that’s why we called our submission ‘Tuning Nelson.’